Piercing styles such as eyebrow and nose piercings were formerly labeled trendy. With the piercing industry becoming more prominent, these piercings are no longer as unconventional as they once were.
As a consequence, people who want to force the boundaries of fashion have started seeking new ways to do it.
Surface Piercings
Flat regions of a body, such as the breast or upper face, are pierced via surface piercing. Surface piercings have entry as well as exit holes adjacent to each other on the top of the skin, unlike other piercing kinds that have an entry hole and an exit hole that is actually behind the entry hole.
A piercing artist will often squeeze the skin and force the needle in. What’s the end result? A style with two piercings that sit flat on the skin.

Image: @allthepiercingsandmods
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Don’t get surface and dermal piercings mixed up. While both have a strong resemblance, the surface piercing has an entry and the exit piercing hole, whereas a dermal piercing has just one piercing spot and is held in place by the dermal anchor put beneath the epidermis.
Surface piercing is a wonderful choice to explore if you’re seeking a new, distinctive look; its design enables you to pierce practically anyplace. There is a lot to consider before you start developing your surface piercing preparations.
Surface Piercings Hurt
Amount of pain associated with the surface piercing is highly dependent on the piercing’s location and placement.
Usually, the piercer may just squeeze the skin you desire to get pierced and put the needle directly through it to finish your surface piercing. Surface piercing must not pain any more than the other forms of piercing in fleshy regions when done this way.
A piercing in your neck or around your eye would most likely pain more than the surface piercing on your breast or near the clavicle. It will most likely hurt a lot more if you receive the surface piercing on or around your genital area.
Your piercer may use a scalpel instead of needles to put the surface piercing, based on your piercer and the position of the piercing. Although this procedure permits them to puncture firmly enough to reduce the likelihood of rejection, it is more unpleasant than using the needle.
The intensity of discomfort associated with a surface piercing varies substantially from individual to individual. If you’re concerned, discuss it with your piercer ahead of time.

Image: @piercer.daniela
The Healing Process of Surface Piercing
You can expect to cure your surface piercing for about a year. Based on where your piercing is, healing durations might be shorter or longer. Before discontinuing aftercare procedures, speak with your piercing artist first.
The Surface piercings have substantially greater rejection rate than some other types of piercings. Because this jewelry is plain under the skin, your brain seems to be more likely to perceive it as a danger and force it out. You must be able to appreciate your surface piercing for years if you pick the correct jewelry, take adequate care of this, and get everything pierced thoroughly enough.
Although if you do things correctly, your body could still refuse piercing. Some people believe that each and every surface piercing will ultimately be refused. Therefore keep a watch on this throughout its life to identify shifting jewelry before this develops scars.

Image: @selvaticarla
Aftercare Rules
Because it’s a very distinctive piercing, it may appear that aftercare seems to be more difficult than with the other piercings, but you will follow the same procedures as with any other piercing.
Baths with sea salt are your best buddy. Fill a tiny cup with the liquid and put your piercing into 2 – 3 times every day to care for your new surface piercing. You must be able to suck the bottle to the skin like most surface piercings so that one may move about while the piercing soaks. When the bath is finished, wipe piercing dry carefully without disturbing the jewelry.
When it comes to catching, be cautious. During the healing process, you’ll be most vulnerable to rejection. Tearing at the jewelry is a certain way to get rejected. Mostly, surface piercings are situated in high-risk regions for snagging.
On a regular basis, the nape, clavicle, and pubic areas are all exposed to snagging threats. You must take precautions when dressing, brushing your hair, or doing any movement near the piercing area all throughout the lifetime of your surface piercing, and especially during recovery.
Make sure you don’t move jewelry around too much. Irrespective of how cautious you are, your piercing may see displacement based on its position. (Anti-eyebrow piercings, for instance, situated along the cheeks, will detect motion when you speak and grin.)
To prevent rejection, try to keep your movements to a minimum. Consider having a dermal piercing rather than the surface piercing in a region that experiences a lot of momenta, such as the finger or arm.

Image: @louis.piercer
Jewelry Styles For Surface Piercing
Surface piercing jewelry designs are mostly determined by the piercing’s placement and physiology. When you receive the surface piercing, discuss your jewelry alternatives with your piercer and adhere to them. Since improper jewelry will result in refusal, it’s critical to buy jewelry which will keep the surface piercing pleased.
Surface barbells, known as screw barbells, are designed for piercings on the skin’s surface. Even though the name indicates that the jewelry is suitable for all the surface piercings, a curving or straight barbell should be used in some cases. Your piercing artist will advise you on which sort of jewelry to use.
The Curved barbells are also effective in a variety of surface piercing applications. The surface barbell’s core form and the barbell’s curves both have a role. This kind should be used with caution because the curvature may press the beads in relation to the piercing sites in flat piercings.
Straight barbells are suitable for a variety of surface piercings. Nevertheless, it should not be used in most types of surface piercings, so consult the piercer before opting for the straight barbell.
You may select from pearl, or diamond ball types or have some fun with the charms, depending on if your piercing loves surface barbells, circular barbells, or straight barbells.

Image: @alberto_netti
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Why You Should Not Get The Surface Piercing?
Because you can obtain the surface piercing practically anyplace, you should be able to locate one that suits your needs. Before obtaining the surface piercing, however, you need to think about your lifestyle.
Surface piercings take a long time to recover, so keep away from baths, bathtubs, and ponds during that time, avoid harmful behaviors like boozing, and make sure you follow aftercare instructions during the healing process. If you didn’t respond to recovering for at least a year, go for a piercing that takes less time to heal.
Because surface piercing is prone to tangling and rejections, you’ll need to keep a close eye on them for the rest of your life. This piercing is not for you if you want a piercing that takes little to no upkeep once it heals.
If you really want a surface piercing on the part of your body that moves a lot, such as your fingers or wrist, you should have the dermal piercing rather. The motion will facilitate movement as surface piercing is readily ignored.

Image: @chucky_piercing21
How Much Will It Cost?
The price will vary depending on the piercer and the area of the surface piercing, but you should budget between $50 and $100. Because surface piercings are so readily rejected, go with a piercer who has done them before; the outcome of your piercing will be determined by how deep your piercer pierces it.
Types of Surface Piercing
Surface piercings are available in practically any place. If you have a proposal for a surface piercing, debate it with your piercer. They may say no or propose a dermal alternative based on where you want your surface piercing. Don’t be scared to inquire; as piercings are about expressing oneself.
Anti-eyebrow piercing is put below the eye on a cheekbone, generally at the angle.
But although their prominence has won them a position as their own piercing kind, belly button piercings are essentially surface piercings. Surface piercings over, beneath, and beside the real belly button are all variants of the belly button piercing.
The clavicle or the middle of the chest are the most common locations for chest piercings. These are frequently combined with other types of surface piercings.
Cleavage piercings are generally vertically positioned between the busts.
To mimic the appearance of a corset back, corset piercings include many surface piercings along the back that are generally joined with the ribbon.
Surface piercings, such as brow piercings, are typically called piercings. You may also get your eyebrows punctured from above and below.
Genital piercings are a common choice for surface piercings. Different regions of the penis and genital region are pierced by the Traditional foyer, Jacob’s Ladder,dorsal frenum, dydoe, and the guiche piercings for males. Piercings around the female genitalia are known as Christina piercing.
Hip piercing is piercing on the surface of your hip.

Image: @poseidonpiercingandink
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Do surface piercings have a longer lifetime?
The skin close to tragus is pierced vertically by tragus surface piercings.
A surface piercing that has healed might remain anywhere from a few months to a lifetime. Foreign items, such as piercings, are rejected by the human body. When the body finds it “easier” to force the piercing out as a fragment than to mend a fistula (skin tunnel) around it, refusal ensues.
What are the definitions of surface piercings?
Surface piercings are a form of variable body piercing that may be worn almost anywhere on the body. Chest, breasts, and Christina are just names where the surface piercings are performed.
What causes surface piercings to fail?
Because they are put just beneath the skin and may easily be pulled out by the body, surface piercings are by far the most prone to be rejected. Other forms of piercings travel further into the tissue, such as ear piercings, which run from the front to the back of the ear, making piercing refusal less probable. Some surface piercings begin to refuse during healing, while others may have been cured for years and then begin to reject abruptly.
Is it possible for a tragus piercing to be rejected?
The rate of rejection for tragus piercings is quite low. Surface tragus piercings, on the other hand, are more likely to be rejected. Most cartilage ear piercings, such as the tragus piercing, go from the front to the back of the ear, making it more difficult for the body to force out the body jewelry since it is embedded deep in the tissue.
So, whereas a tragus piercing might reject, it is quite improbable, especially if you avoid putting pressure on it as it heals. Selecting high-quality, lightweight jewelry can also help prevent tragus piercing refusal.