Maybe you’ve already got a lot of ear piercings. However, it seems as if you’re searching for something more daring. Whichever prompted you to consider having a cartilage piercing, we’ll answer all of your inquiries to alleviate your fears.

Several methods are prevalent to adorn your ear cartilage, ranging from a traditional helix piercing to a robust industrial piercing. And if your physiology is on your side, you may even flaunt a rook piercing or a snug. Once you become overwhelmed, let’s look over what all of this entails. After all, choosing a piercing is entirely up to you!

Credit: marley.justus
What Exactly Is A Cartilage Piercing?
A “cartilage piercing” is any ear piercing above your ear lobe. Cartilage is the sort of tissue that comprises the great bulk of your ear. Thus, it’s more of a category than a specific piercing.
Other forms of cartilage piercings are available, such as tragus and helix. While they may seem like phrases from your difficult geometry assignment, this type of bodily alteration is far simpler! And it’s arguably more useful in everyday life than determining the length of a tangent line.
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Credit: moon.misfit
Know The Types of Cartilage Piercings
The helix, which is found on the external surface of the ear, is among the most common forms of cartilage piercings. Tragus, daith, and outer conch piercing are also prevalent forms of cartilage piercings.
1. The Helix Piercings
The top helix piercing is most commonly associated with cartilage piercings. It often begins with studs but might also include a little hoop. Many individuals prefer a mono helix (one piercing). However, you can also arrange 2 or 3 piercings in this area. Helix piercing is also broadly classified into double helix piercings, multiple helix piercing, or forward helix piercing.

Credit: eleganceworc
2. Snug
The snug piercing, which is located inside your outer, inner conch (cartilage), may be problematic.
Your ear structure, also known as an anti-helix piercing, has a significant effect on whether or not this piercing will be successful. It is a pretty strong region of your ear that adds to the challenge. However, if the stars are aligned, this fascinating piercing will definitely stick out.
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3. Tragus
The tragus piercing is performed on the epidermal flap open end of your ear’s cartilage. Since the skin is so thick, these are more uncomfortable than other cartilage piercings.
Not everybody is able to have this piercing performed – several individuals may not have a sufficient tragus to accommodate a piece of jewelry.
A professional piercer is your best choice for getting the job done.

Crdeit: piercingbyhanna
4. Daith
The Daith piercing is performed on the little tissue just above the ear canal. Daith piercings are becoming extremely prevalent among migraine sufferers, with some claiming that they help relieve pain. However, it isn’t scientifically proven whether it reduces migraine pain or not.
5. Conch
Conch piercing is conducted in the outer, middle part of your ear, right above your lobe, and can be accomplished with a barbell or stud. The ear component, which resembles a conch shell, is called a conch.
We’re not suggesting this piercing will propel you closer to the mermaid state, but it certainly won’t hurt. However, your request to be a mermaid will not be fulfilled by poking holes in your body.
6. Rook
Rook piercings is a piercing that goes through the tissue ridges in the upper ear. Furthermore, it may be a difficult cartilage piercing to obtain because if your rook portion is too little or too deep, your piercing cannot be done at the right angle.
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Credit: impuriaearpiercingjewelry
7. Industrial
Get industrial piercings if you like heavy metal. It’s visible since it includes a bar passing through two locations on the uppermost region of your upper cartilage. You might pick a broad bar or something more delicate with a pattern in the center.
Only be ready to endure two holes.

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Cartilage Piercing- Pain Scale
The amount of discomfort entirely depends on the characteristics of the piercing you receive and on your individual pain tolerance.
Usually, cartilage piercings hurt more than any other ear piercing as the tissue present on the cartilage is thicker. Thus, making it a harder region to pierce.
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Follow Proper Aftercare Instructions After Getting Body Piercing
Congratulations – you’ve completed the task! The fight starts now. Use a saline solution that combines salt and water to sanitize your piercings twice per day. Touching, rotating, or changing the jewelry on the piercings can also prolong the healing process.
To prevent tangles, put your hair up and away from the piercings during the first couple of weeks. Imagine the way your hair would get trapped in the backs of your classroom chairs? Consider it, but ten times worse.

Credit: 346mad
Maximum Time Would A Cartilage Piercing Will Take To Heal?
Due to the obvious thickness of the tissue, cartilage piercing heals in a longer time than the lobe piercing. The healing process of cartilage piercing can take anywhere from four to twelve weeks to fully heal, but you should consider giving yourself at least 6 or 8 months.
To avoid any problems, sanitize your piercing consistently and retain the existing jewelry in place throughout this time.
Cartilage Piercing- Cost
The price of cartilage piercings is defined by which kind of jewelry metal you pick. Most places charge you according to their shop prices; however, you may expect to spend anything from $40 to $100. The piercer will charge you for the cost of jewelry as well as their service fee.
Also, don’t cut corners on cost like you would with day-old bread. It’s crucial to choose a store focusing on the piercer’s experience rather than the price. Just a little mildew on bread might not be the worst thing in the world, but an inflamed ear is.

Credit: nataliesator
Frequently Asked Questions
When Should I Change My Jewelry, And What Kind Of Jewelry Seems To Be The Best?
Finally, make sure that your cartilage piercing is fully healed prior to removing the jewelry. Use the time to choose the exact stud or ring that matches your taste, attitude, and color choice of the moment, as this can take a few months.
To avoid discomfort and allergies, use stainless steel, titanium, or gold for your piercing once you can swap it out. Get studs with flattened backs that won’t snag on your hair or garments.
How To Puncture Ear Cartilage?
‘Cartilage should be penetrated with a needle at all times.’ Only soft tissue can be pierced with a piercing gun, and anyway, no one would suggest it. Using a gun to pierce cartilage can cause extreme hypertrophic scarring and possibly blow it up.
‘Needles have a bad reputation, but they’re really less painful than guns since they’re meant to puncture the skin, while a pistol just uses brute strength to drive an earpiece through.
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Credit: espiercing777
What Is The Best Area For Ear Piercing?
It depends on you. However the most prevalent one currently is daith piercings. The rook is another favorite, even not too tough to repair. If you want a conch piercing, begin with studs (hoops can stress the piercing when it’s fresh and be really annoying) and ensure the earring position isn’t too far at the side.
Many piercers keep studs in for so long that they act as radar, catching on to almost everything. The ideal measurement for a stud is 1/4 inch.
If you have the time and patience, the upper two helix piercing looks lovely with a combination of earrings.
How Much Pain Does A Cartilage or Helix Piercing Cause?
A cartilage piercing is not the same as a lobe piercing, and this will cause more pain.
It is advised to avoid focusing on the discomfort because it is so brief (piercings are quick) and primarily mental. It’s your mind attempting to care for your body piercings, but anybody can do it.
You’ll get goosebumps every time you’ll get fresh piercings, but it’s okay to feel apprehensive; just start to appreciate the excitement. It’s a departure from the standard, which is thrilling!

Credit: piercingbyhanna
How Should A Cartilage Piercing Be Cleaned?
Everybody responds differently to piercings, but don’t be startled if your mate’s piercing was far less red than yours, or perhaps there swells while yours does not seem to. It’s a puncture in your ear, so it’ll irritate you; you just have to be gentle with it.
The best advice is to drink lots of fluids for 3 days after that and simply leave the ‘heck alone.’ During the day, wash it with soap and warm water. Never use alcohol or peroxide-based goods.
You’ve merely made a hole in your ear; putting toxic materials towards something your body is attempting to repair will only end up making it worse!’ And no tampering with it. Repeatedly rotating the earring will cause it to slow things down.
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How Long Would Cartilage Take To Repair?
Piercings do not heal quickly. Earlobes can take 8-10 weeks to recover, but tissue takes 3-5 months.
Even though it appears to be healed well, it could still be healing. Cartilage repairs on the outside, creating a canal that extends all the way into your ear, which takes a lot of time.
Do not even remove your jewelry till the piercing has healed, and even then, switch in a further earring, or the piercing will heal very rapidly again.
Life expectancy is everything. The more you have piercings, the more you can go without having earrings in it. So, with a five-month-old piercing, you shouldn’t leave it for more than some hours; however, a 5-year old piercing may be set for 5 weeks if desired.

Credit: julie_noremorse