These days, the forearm is one of the most popular places for a person to get a tattoo (or several): whether they have a couple of smaller tattoos scattered around the area, or they are at the beginning stages of the process of completing a full sleeve.
The forearm is a long, smooth area of the body which is an ideal canvas for many types of tattoo designs.
If you are here, reading this article, perhaps you are considering getting a forearm tattoo of your own. Good for you!
There is a reason this body part is so popular for tattoos, and providing you thoroughly research the design that you desire, you should end up with something that you will love. Coming up with the design and placement of a tattoo is an exciting time.
However, this is also the time to do some serious thinking. Research is an extremely important part of the process of getting a tattoo, no matter whether you’re a tattoo virgin or already have several inked across your body.
If you have never had a tattoo on your forearm, yet you are considering getting one, now is the time to look closer at the details and find out whether this is the best decision for you. No need to panic! We are here to help you.
Continue reading to discover the true pros and cons to getting a forearm tattoo, and discover whether the decision to get one is something that you feel you will truly benefit from.
The Pros To Getting A Forearm Tattoo
As we said previously, this placement for a tattoo is extremely popular, especially with the younger generation.
There are several reasons why you should choose to get a forearm tattoo, and here is our list of reasons. Allow us to convince you!

1. This placement Makes It Easy To Show Your Tattoo Off To The World
Unless you are wearing longer sleeves, especially during the colder months of the year, your forearms will usually be on display when the temperature is warmer.
This will mean that your pieces of ink will be out in the open, in view for anyone and everyone to notice. The compliments will be endless! After all, what’s the point of getting a tattoo if no one can see it?
2. A Forearm Tattoo Is (Moderately) Painless
There are risks that come with any type of tattoo, no matter where you decide to place your design: after all, it is a piece of art that will remain on your body for life.
It is so, so important that you consider every pro and con before you make that permanent decision, as it may be one that you will regret in years to come (yes, we are aware that we sound like your grandparent who hates tattoos).
Once you have sifted through each advantage and disadvantage of gaining a forearm tattoo, you will have come up with a decision.
If you are deciding to go ahead with the procedure, congratulations! This is an extremely exciting time, and we are delighted for you. Now is the time for you to finalize the idea for your design, and book it in with your chosen tattoo artist. Then, the countdown is on.
3. You Can Get Pretty Much Any Tattoo Placed On Your Forearm
Going back to what we just said in the previous paragraph, the inner part of the forearm is considerably long and flat compared to other body parts.
This makes for a great canvas for a tattooist: virtually any design will fit perfectly on this area, and the image will be less likely to warp over time if you were to lose or put on weight. It really is one of the most ideal locations to have a tattoo.
4. Forearm Tattoos Look Good On Most People!
Every person’s tattoo designs are different, all chosen to suit their own personas. While certain tattoo placements, such as the upper arm or the neck, may not look good on some people depending on who they are, a tattoo on the forearm will look good on pretty much everyone.
Of course, it all depends on the individual design, but providing that you trust your own judgment, your new tattoo should look amazing on your arm.

The Cons To Getting A Forearm Tattoo
There are pros and cons to everything in this life, forearm tattoos included. While you may feel that nothing could convince you not to get one, you should definitely read the entirety of this list to make sure you have gained all the information you need to make this permanent decision.
1. There Is A Possibility That The Design Could Warp Across Your Arm
This is an issue that I have learned from experience. I have a line of writing tattooed across my forearm, and while it is still one of my favorite tattoos, I was disheartened to realize that the line only looks straight if I bend my arm in a certain way.
This is due to the curves of the inner arm to the outer arm: if the design is too large, it may stretch across your arm, causing the image to warp.
2. A Forearm Tattoo Can Be Pretty Difficult To Cover Up/Hide
While it was mentioned in the ‘pros’ list that it is great to have a tattoo that everyone can see, there are often times in which we’d rather hide our pieces of ink, e.g. job interviews.
Unless you are planning to wear long-sleeved shirts for the rest of your life, your forearm tattoo will almost always be on display for everyone to see. For this reason, it is definitely important that you choose a suitable, non-offensive design.
You will also need to think about being extra cautious about exposing your forearm to sunlight, as this is a factor that could cause your tattoo to fade over time.

3. The Wrist/Inside Of The Elbow Can Be Delicate Areas To Get Tattooed
Overall, the forearm is a thick-skinned, fleshy area, which is ideal while considering placement for a tattoo. However, there are areas of the forearm that can be quite sensitive, such as the wrist and towards the inside of the elbow.
The skin is considerably thinner in these areas, and due to the many veins and nerves that lie just below the skin in the places, getting tattooed on these areas could be an uncomfortable experience.
The healing process differs for each person, but you will need to consider the fact that your healing tattoo will be visible to everyone, and unless you’re wearing long sleeves, everyone will be able to see your flaky, swollen piece of ink.
No matter how long the sleeves are, the most important factor is that you wear baggy clothes so that nothing is stuck to the new tattoo, restricting the air and blood flow needed to aid the healing process.
4. Shaving Or Waxing Your Arms Must Be Avoided Until The Tattoo Is Completely Healed
If you are someone who often waxes or shaves their forearms, having a tattoo placed in this area may prove to be problematic during those first few weeks of healing.
You should never, under any circumstances, attempt to shave an area in which a fresh tattoo is healing: no matter how careful you are, you run the risk of scraping away the scabs forming over a healing tattoo, and this will not only affect the overall design, but could also cause a serious skin infection if any bacteria enters the wound.
Depending on the size of the tattoo, the healing time may not take very long, but you should always wait until a new layer of skin has completely healed over the tattoo until you attempt to shave or wax the area.
Final Thoughts
There are risks that come with any type of tattoo, no matter where you decide to place your design: after all, it is a piece of art that will remain on your body for life.
It is so, so important that you consider every pro and con before you make that permanent decision, as it may be one that you will regret in years to come (yes, we are aware that we sound like your grandparent who hates tattoos).
Once you have sifted through each advantage and disadvantage of gaining a forearm tattoo, you will have come up with a decision. If you are deciding to go ahead with the procedure, congratulations! This is an extremely exciting time, and we are delighted for you.
Now is the time for you to finalize the idea for your design, and book it in with your chosen tattoo artist. Then, the countdown is on.
Good luck, and happy inking!

Frequently Asked Questions
Is It Painful To Get A Forearm Tattoo?
Every tattoo will be painful, no matter who tries to tell you otherwise.
You will literally be probed with a number of sharp needles for, at the very least, an hour: of course, it is going to hurt!
However, certain areas of the body will hurt more than others. Fleshier parts of the body, e.g. thighs and calves, are usually known to be less painful while being tattooed, while bonier parts closer to the bone, e.g. wrists and ankles, are known to hurt a little bit more.
The pain that comes along with a tattoo is generally bearable, but if you find that you need to take a break at any time, your tattoo artist will allow you to take a breather.
How Long Does It Take For A Forearm Tattoo To Heal?
There is no definite time for a tattoo to completely heal. There are many factors that come into play, such as the size of the tattoo, the detail that went into it, and the placement on your body.
A small forearm tattoo may only take two to three weeks to completely heal, whereas a larger one with plenty of detail and color may take a couple of months.
Every person’s body deals with wounds differently, therefore you will only truly be able to tell the healing time once you, yourself, are in that situation.
What Do You Call A Tattoo On Your Forearm?
A tattoo that covers the entirety, or the majority, of your forearm, is better known as a ‘half sleeve’, and will become a ‘full sleeve’ when your upper arm has been covered too. A singular tattoo on a forearm is sometimes known as a ‘brace’. Generally, however, a forearm tattoo is simply called that: a forearm tattoo.