Do you happen to know someone personally that has epilepsy, and do you support them? If yes, then that is a good thing, and you can get a tattoo for that person to showcase your fondness for them. We should always extend our hands to support causes like these and feel lucky enough if we do not have to deal with any such problem.

If you do not know what epilepsy is, then you will be unaware of the fact as to why you need to have a soft corner for people with epilepsy. Well, let me throw some light on epilepsy for those people who do not know about it.
The ones with epilepsy have to deal with recurrent seizures. They occur because of disruption of electrical activity in their brain, which causes some problems with the messaging factor of the cells present in the brain. If the person has a prolonging condition, then a loss can also be expected.
Other symptoms that may occur to the person may be loss of being, hope, or strength. But there are chances to improve this condition with the proper counseling and doctors. It can be taken as an inspiration. Tattoos can be a help medically and also for motivation. Unusual behavior, loss of awareness, and unusual sensations are symptoms of this condition. This disruption in the nervous system can begin anytime in males and females.
A ribbon is a sign used in tattoos to show epilepsy support. Go through the below-added tattoos to look at your options to get one.
Epilepsy Tattoo Ideas
1. Black Work Tattoo
Black bold lines are used for this work of body art; you can also use simple flowers and a ribbon for your tattoo or take inspiration and draw something similar.

Image: @krysdoestattoos
2. We Remember Tattoo
Most people will add a meaningful quote with the tattoo, the reason for making this tattoo is for inspiration, and a quote will do the job. So add something like a word or a line that has kept you going in your tough time and kept you strong.

Image: @pattoosink
3. Genetic Makeup Tattoo
You can use design strings and stars to make a tattoo unique and more noticeable. Use different color stars to add contrast to your tattoo. The ribbon made in a 3D shape will look like an appealing vector.

Image: @karenlazarovitz_brca
4. Purple Ribbon Butterfly Tattoo
This is another good way to blend the butterfly with the ribbon. The texture of the butterfly makes it unique, and the idea of the tattoo is genius because it looks like the butterfly is carrying the ribbon. So you can interpret it as the butterfly carrying the flag of bringing change as the symbol of transformation.

Image: @tgt.inked
5. Butterfly Ribbon Tattoo on Back
This is the moth butterfly tattoo, and again the ribbon is used to make the butterfly’s body. If you are looking for a big tattoo idea, you can go for this one as it is done on the back and covers a significant area. The design and colors used to make this tattoo a very rare-looking one and the name of the date of the passed one are also added wisely in this tattoo.

Image: @karenlazarovitz_brca
6. Genetic Testing Tattoo
Genetic testing tattoos are a completely different way to show your support. For instance, look at the below tattoo; a lot of other elements are added to this tattoo. This tattoo can be used to demonstrate the genetic structure of a person. If you have a surgery mark, then you can use this as a cover tattoo.

Image: @karenlazarovitz_brca
7. Beautiful Ribbon Tattoo
This one is a one-of-a-kind-looking tattoo as the ribbon is done in a different design that looks like a flower. This is another unorthodox style to support your cause.

Image: @karenlazarovitz_brca
8. Flower Ribbon Tattoo
The flower is also one good element to add to this tattoo; a blue rose done here has made the tattoo alluring. A blue rose symbolizes a fantasy world, so you can use this to let people interpret the message themselves. A black design is also added to the tattoo to make it more engaging, which is in your favor as you want to show your support for the cause to maximum people.

Image: @tinagreer_tattoos
9. Ribbon Heart tattoo
A ribbon clubbed with a heart is a great tattoo idea if you want to show your love and support for people with epilepsy conditions. A red heart looks cute, and the ribbon used to form the shape of the heart is a genius idea.

Image: @greyrabbittattoo
10. Simple and Small Tattoo
A behind the ear is also an excellent place for this tattoo because a behind the ear tattoo is like a statement. Tattoos at locations that are difficult to hide speak a lot about your personality, that you are an outgoing bold person. If you want to show your support for this tattoo and want others to draw inspiration, get it in a pretty visible place. Like this woman, you can become among women who boldly want to spread awareness about epilepsy.

Image: @toriidalayne
11. Hope Tattoo
You can use the actual word to deliver a strong message; the word hope, written in an attractive font with the ribbon added in the tattoo, deliberately looks excellent as a tattoo. Moreover, it is a great way to give a reason to people to draw inspiration. Finally, you can provide the tattoo color contrast of red and black to make the tattoo visually appealing, as shown below.

12. Small Ribbon Tattoo
You can even get a memorial tattoo for your pet. If you have lost your pet to a similar condition, then a tattoo in his loving memory like the one done below can be an option.

Image: @inspiredarttattoo
13. Memorial Ribbon Tattoo
This tattoo can be done in the memory of a loved one who lost their life because of this condition. You can mark the date of their departure from this world in your tattoo. It is a great way to give tribute to your loved one.

Image: @tattoos_by_cameron
14. Watercolor Ribbon Tattoo
Watercolor tattoos have become a popular choice among tattoo artists and enthusiasts; you can use the red and blue colors in the background to give it a look of the watercolor painting. The colors are added in the manner of color splashes. In addition, you can use a heart in between the tattoo to make it an authentic one.

Image: @hymnsandcurses
15. Survivor Ribbon tattoo
This tattoo is another great way to use a solid word to inspire your tattoo. If you had epilepsy and successfully made it through your condition with willpower, you can also get this tattoo to motivate others and mark your arduous journey.

Image: @tatwizwes
16. Awareness Ribbon Tattoo
A unique font made with the ribbon will make your tattoo one-of-a-kind; if you want to give your ribbon a realistic look, then you can add shadow to it.

Image: @instanthistorytattoo
17. Heart Beats On Tattoo
The heartbeat tattoo symbolizes that time is running out, so you can use it to show your fight against the passing time.

Image: @karenlazarovitz_brca
18. Purple Ribbon with Heart Tattoo
Here is another way of adding a heart with your epilepsy tattoo, you can use color contrast of purple and black to make your tattoo authentic. Also, if you are close to a person with this condition, you can use this tattoo to show love to them.

Image: @auraartandink
19. Ribbon Tattoo with Heart in Middle
A simple ribbon with a boundary of black with a bit of purple heart and a name will make a fantastic tattoo. A purple heart symbolizes compassionate love and understanding, so it is the perfect color if you want to add a heart to your tattoo.

Image: @bcbodyart
20. Hope Ribbon Tattoo
The hope script tattoo is also a brilliant idea for an epilepsy tattoo using a unique font to make your tattoo engaging; you can add across to the tattoo to mark your faith in God.

Image: @frankflorestattoo
21. Epilepsy Tattoo
You can add elements like stars to your tattoo with the epilepsy ribbon; the stars are the symbol of honor. You can even add an initial with your tattoo. You can even add design to your tattoo to make it graphically appealing.

Image: @kelly.and.sons
22. Ribbon Feather Epilepsy Tattoo
A ribbon with feathers is a great option to heighten the symbolic meaning of the tattoo as the epilepsy tattoo is done for hope and to motivate people, and the feather is the symbol of freedom. So these two together will add more significance to your tattoo.

Image: @jaycieshenna
23. Ribbon with Wings Tattoo
Another great way of adding meaning to your tattoo is making the wings with the ribbon. The angel wings are the symbol of protection and faith. The texture of the branches will add to the appeal of the tattoo, and it will become an excellent memorial tattoo. This is a blood relation tattoo.

Image: @scotthilltattoo
24. Ribbon with Date Tattoo
You can use a unique element close to a person you loved in the tattoo as a memorable tribute. Like in this tattoo, a tribute given to dad, a hammer-like structure is used as an element to wrap the ribbon around it as the prominent tattoo. Also, the birth and death dates are added to show the lifespan.

Image: @binded_byink
25. Ribbon Angel Tattoo
You can use the negative space, fill it with a black color shade, and then add carefully detailed wings to the side of the ribbon. You can offer a tribute to your loved one with this tattoo.

Image: @j_ed3n_tattoo
26. Butterfly Ribbon Tattoo
Butterflies symbolize transformation and change, so a butterfly added to this tattoo will add more significance to your tattoo, and you can even use it as a memorial one. Like the below one looks like a tribute to a mom. Butterflies have become a popular element of choice with tattoos nowadays.

Image: @ncinkkimberley
27. lettering Ribbon Tattoo
Meaningful wordings always add to the deep meaning of the tattoo. This quote became infamous from a movie called “Kung Fu Panda.” You can add stars using negative space and black color. You can draw inspiration from this tattoo to create your authentic one.

Image: @theinkeryoswego
28. Big and Bold Tattoo
An angel’s halo is a genius idea for getting a memorial tattoo. You can add vibrant color and texture to the ribbon and use it in between negative space for making something else.

Image: @karenlazarovitz_brca
29. Purple Ribbon Tattoo
Purple is the color for lavender, and the ribbon in purple is the perfect color for it as lavender is the official international flower for epilepsy. Two butterflies are added to this tattoo in vibrant colors to make it beautiful. The below is done in the memory of two people, and butterflies are used to depict two people. The colors are used in order to reflect a person’s personality.

Image: @eviljoe65
30. Beautiful Ribbon Tattoos
Elegant-looking ribbon makes this tattoo look graceful, and the font used in it is of minimal black ink.

Image: @instanthistorytattoo
31. Flowers Ribbon Tattoo
Buds and blue flowers added with the ribbon can represent death and new life. As flowers are even used similarly in the event of death, you can use lilies for your tattoo. The ribbon is made in the way of a vase for the stem of flowers and buds.

Image: @goldrushtattoo
32. Butterfly Ribbon Tattoo
A 3D butterfly is a good idea for a unique tattoo as it gives the mirage-like the butterfly is sitting right on top of you. The ribbon tied to one wing of the tattoo is emblematic of change, as the butterfly is the symbol of transformation, and this tattoo shows that you are carrying the will to bring change and stand for it.

Image: @karenlazarovitz_brca
33. Hope Tattoo
Never lose hope and keep going; this is the motto of this tattoo. It will give hope to the bearer of the tattoo and the one seeing this tattoo. You can choose any font that you like for your script.

Image: @phee9492
34. Cross Ribbon Tattoo
The cross tattoo shows that the person was catholic and had faith in Jesus. You can get a similar tattoo for your Christian dear ones who have lost life because of such a condition.
Look at the tattoo below done in an authentic way. The Scorpio added in it symbolizes protecting oneself and having self-control. However, here it may have been used to represent the expression of strength. You can even use the web as an element for your tattoo.

Image: @sickbreedink
35. Tiny Butterfly Ribbon Tattoo
Earlier in this post, you saw a behind-the-ear tattoo; here is another way of doing it by infusing the butterfly with your tattoo. Like in this one, the tattoo artist has used the negative space to make the shape of the butterfly. Of course, you can get a similar tattoo on other body parts as well.

Image: @karenlazarovitz_brca
36. Purple Ribbon Tattoo
Another blend of the butterfly and ribbon tattoo, you can even have this tattoo where the ribbon is used for the butterfly’s body, and then the wings are attached.

Image: @misslissa32174
37. Perfect Reminder Tattoo
This tattoo is called the perfect reminder because it is made near the inner side of the palm, and every time one sees his hand, he will be reminded of it. So look at this tattoo for your reference.

Image: @wolfegirltattoos
Can you get a tattoo with epilepsy?
Do you have epilepsy? If yes, you also do not need to worry about tattoos and piercings that professionals do not affect people with epilepsy, diabetes, hepatitis b, or heart problems! It will typically be safe if you are getting it done with the right professional. Although if you are skeptical about infection or any other complication, it is best to consult your doctor before getting something on your skin.
What is the epilepsy ribbon?
The purple color (lavender) is the color that is used internationally to spread awareness about epilepsy. Purple Day’s slogan was made to spread awareness about the purple color and support for epilepsy.
Can a tattoo trigger a seizure?
No, to date, no episode has occurred when a tattoo could trigger a seizure so that you can relax about that.
What month is Epilepsy Awareness Month?
The month of November is considered the awareness month for epilepsy.
Why is purple used for epilepsy?
Back in 2008, the purple day was created by Cassidy Megan, who is from Canada and is a candidate for epilepsy who thought that people should talk more often about the condition and should be aware of it. So she decided purple to be the color to represent it as lavender is recognized as the international flower for epilepsy.
Bottom Line
Suppose you are a person affected by this tattoo and want to spread awareness about it. In that case, wearing a tattoo is a great idea, and people who have lost loved ones to this condition can step up to spread awareness about it by getting a memorial tattoo. Many people have come up to get tattoos for awareness in the last decade. You can get it on almost any part of the body and with many different elements. People even use tattoos to spread awareness against the abuse of drugs.