Get inked with a clown tattoo! Clown tattoos have a consistent following, with periodic surges in popularity. Clowning has been going on for millennia. For as long as there have been monarchs, there have also been court jesters, mimes, and circus clowns to keep them amused.
Many of us have fond memories of seeing the traditional white-faced Clown at birthday parties and on television programs growing up. Clowns amused us. Some people get a kick out of the antics of the character clowns and the tramp, while others don’t. In certain cultures, clowning is an accepted form of self-expression for the oppressed, and it is common to see sad clowns.
Clowns, in any shape or disguise they may take, are known for their ability to make audiences laugh by poking fun at themselves.
The appeal of getting a clown tattoo is not exclusive to one sex; both men and women like them. Sad clowns, frightening clowns, and hilarious clowns all kinds of tattoo designs are on our list, with many instances combining traits from more than one kind.
Here are the most trendy and creative clown tattoos, along with examples to give you a sense of the variety of imagery.
History of Clown tattoos
Clowns have a long history of evoking both fear and joy, and despite people’s positive or negative opinions of them, some opt to immortalize them on their skin with a tattoo. Exciting things have happened throughout history involving clowns, which adds to their appeal. In the past, they have served as both a source of fear and joy for audiences.
The individuality of the clown tattoo stems from this fact. This tattoo is open for interpretation and application.
We guarantee you will get many praises after getting one of these 49 modern clown tattoo designs. These tattoos are suitable for both men and women.
1. Little Clown Tattoo

Image: @charliesnothere
This elaborate and cute clown tattoo inked on the inner forearm has a baby joker with a Halloween pumpkin in his lap. The location and colors make this tattoo a beautiful piece of inkwork.
2. Kewpies Clown Tattoo

Image: @charliesnothere
Clown Kewpies are clown dolls. Get this exclusive kewpie clown tattoo on your forearm, featuring cute and happy Clown juggling bowling pins.
3. Face Of Baby Clown Tattoo

Image: @ghosttown912
This is a cute tattoo design inked on the leg that features an adorable baby clown face with a long hat and elaborate collar of dress inked. You can go for it if you want a sweet and simple tattoo.
4. Cute Killer Clown Tattoo

Image: @athenstattoocompany
It depicts a cute killer clown tattoo design. The meaning differs for each individual. People most likely like this for aesthetic reasons or because it reminds them of their favorite horror films.
5. King Jester Clown Tattoo

Image: @salvationtattoo
A jester is a person who worked for European monarchs to offer them amusement, whether via jokes or slapstick humor. This elaborate jester tattoo inked on the leg is colorful and vibrant.
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6. Weirdo Clown Tattoo

Image: @mr_bum
Want some sensationalism along with clown tattoos? Get this beautiful tattoo design inked with a laughing clown face juggling dice, wine glasses, a skull, and a myriad of other things.
7. Twinkling Star Clown Tattoo

Image: @tattoo_lbert
Get this super chill tattoo design with a clown lying on a crescent moon. The inclusion of colorful stars and the full dress worn by the Clown makes it appealing.
8. Funny Clown Tattoo

Image: @helenkiller805
This clown tattoo design features a clown in a full dress on a unicycle juggling balls, which we usually see in a circus. Very colorful and seems a part of a patchwork design.
9. Cards Clown Tattoo

This playing cards tattoo features menacing-looking clowns and dice inked on the forearm. You can get this design inked on your arm or leg, as it requires ample space.
10. Monkey Clown Tattoo

This is rather an unusual tattoo design with a female clown tattoo face and a monkey sitting on her head. The addition of teardrops coming out from her eyes shows that there is sadness hidden behind the happy facade.
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11. Sad Clown Tattoo

Image: @melodycrowtattoos
This sad clown tattoo symbolizes the darkness that lurks underneath the cheerful exterior that people often associate with clowns. Clowns, who have their roots in the early forms of pantomime, might be seen as symbols of melancholy and sorrow.
12. Happy And Sad Clown Tattoo

Image: @giuliaspinellitattoo
This tattoo design features a happy and sad clown tattoo mask tied together, depicting that happiness and sadness are part and parcel of life.
13. Devil Clown Tattoo

Image: @ellenmellon.tattoos
This clown tattoo represents a female clown with horns on her head and red tears running down her eyes. A pentagram inked on her forehead gives it a very intriguing air.
14. Peekaboo Clown Tattoo

Image: @yumemonchi
This clown tattoo is inked on two different people. One has a tattoo design with the Clown’s eyes open, and the other has the Clown making the peekaboo gesture.
15. Rainbow Clown Tattoo

Image: @doccooper_saint_tattoo
The picture shows a colorful tattoo of a clown vomiting rainbows. Inked on the lower leg, this makes for quite an unusual tattoo.
16. Sad Down Clown Tattoo

Image: @sadiebartchtattoos
This sad down Clown features a female clown with a dress collar and tears running down her eyes. The depressed Clown symbolizes the darkness that lurks underneath the cheerful exterior that people often associate with clowns.
17. Cute Clown Tattoo

Image: @needle.spirit
If you want a small, sweet, cute clown tattoo, go for this colorful tattoo. You can have this inked on your leg or arm wherever you please.
18. Baby With Balloon Clown Tattoo

Image: @perplexedivisions
This cute kewpie baby clown tattoo on the arm features a not-so-happy clown with a balloon in his hand.
19. Crying Hearty Clown Tattoo

Image: @lil_cavity
This is a crying heart clown tattoo with big eyes and a teardrop. The reddish rose and the red ink on the face give away the fact that it is a twist to the standard clown tattoo.
20. Night On Head Clown Tattoo

Image: @docteurvehicule
This is another example of a sweet and straightforward clown tattoo with a clown collar and the headscarf giving the illusion of a night sky.
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21. Blue Baby Clown Tattoo

This blue baby clown tattoo with an elaborate clown collar and the clown hat inked on the upper arm is sure to get noticed.
22. Sad Devil Clown Tattoo

Image: @zoinkdart
This tattoo design takes some significant liberties with standard clown tattoo design. It features a sad female clown with a clown collar and a hat perched on her cloud-like hairdo. Get this as a patchwork piece or an individual tattoo as you want.
23. Self loving Clown Tattoo

Image: @slowpuncture
This is an example of a contemporary tattoo design with a clown in a full dress holding a mask tied with a string in his hand, inked on the upper arm.
24. Mini Clown Tattoo

Image: @p0tattoos
This mini clown tattoo is minimalistic and features a tiny clown tattoo in bold black. You can go for this if you don’t want a large-size tattoo.
25. Skeleton Clown Tattoo

Image: @marvenancio_
A classic skeleton clown tattoo depicts a spooky-looking skeleton with a jester dress and holding the sad face mask in his hand. This is an elaborate tattoo design inked on the forearm.
26. Trapeze Clown Tattoo

Image: @midgard_tattoo_company
The picture shows two clowns dressed in colorful dresses performing trapeze as is done in a circus. This tattoo shows that the wearer is a fun-loving and joyful fellow.
27. Cut Girl Clown Tattoo

Image: @livitattoofairy
A cute girl clown tattoo features a female with a clown cap and is a minimalist tattoo design.
28. Cycling Clown Tattoo

Image: @shanghaitattoo916
Want to show your happy-go-lucky demeanor? Get this tattoo design that features a clown on a unicycle juggling circles.
29. Miniature Clown Tattoo

Image: @deanxittt
This minimalist colorful tattoo is perfect for getting inked in a small space and features a small clown face surrounded by flowers.
30. Little Winged Clown Tattoo

Image: @missmoth_tattoo
This cute but large tattoo design is a significant twist from the standard tattoo. It features a bird with wings wearing clown shoes, a jester hat, an elaborate clown collar, and some colorful juggling balls.
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31. Reddish Baby Clown Tattoo

Image: @collectif_adelphes
This small, cute red ink clown tattoo design is inked above the elbow, featuring the clown collar and a jester hat.
32. Betty Clown Tattoo

Image: @ericarosesart
Want a Betty Boop clown design? Get this Betty Boop clown tattoo inked on your leg or arm featuring Betty Boop, your favorite character, in a clown dress and a small jester cap perched on her head.
33. Little Red Clown Tattoo

Image: @charliesnothere
This sweet clown tattoo will surely get noticed wearing shorts or a mini-skirt. It features a clown with a big bow and holding a red balloon in his hand. The usage of red ink makes it stand out.
34. Fruity Clown Tattoo

Image: @sensualputty
A Spanish word for “clown,” a payaso is a person with a painted face who amuses children at the circus. This tattoo features a clown with a stem on his head with fruit hanging from it.
35. Outline Clown Tattoo

Go for this simple outline tattoo, which features a small clown outlined in blue-black ink with an elaborate jester cap.
36. Owl Clown Tattoo

Image: @mikeharpertattoo
This is an elaborate tattoo of a clown and an eagle juxtaposed. As it will need ample space, better to get this inked on your chest or back, featuring a clown face in place of an eagle face while the rest of the elements remain the same.
37. Frog Clown Tattoo

Image: @rabbitmoontattoo
Go for some creative twist with this clown tattoo of a face of a frog in place of the Clown’s face with a clown collar and the jester cap.
38. Bubbly Baby Clown Tattoo

Image: @siemprelloro
This baby face clown tattoo in black ink with a jester cap on his head inked on the upper arm looks cute and menacing simultaneously.
39. Scary Clown Tattoo

Scary clown tattoos are frequent, even though you never want to meet a sinister-looking clown. Scariness may be achieved by juxtaposing a white-faced clown with a dark background and gory props like a bloody blade, but this one has a red balloon in his hand.
40. Viper Clown Tattoo

Image: @ping524_tattoo
This jack-in-the-box tattoo features a sinister-looking clown face and a viper snake coming out of it. It has a lot of detailing and colors and will grab everyone’s attention.
41. Musical Clown Tattoo

Image: @lucky_bd_tattoos
This tattoo denotes the affinity for the music as it features a happy clown in a full dress playing the drum. Perfect for a music lover.
42. Horror Clown Tattoo

Image: @mantistattoo
Tattoos depicting evil or scary clowns look fantastic and have a high “wow” factor. For example, this horror clown tattoo features a clown with a knife in one hand and balloons in the other. However, the menacing expression on the face of the Clown makes it look not very comforting.
43. Cosmic Clown Tattoo

This cosmic clown tattoo features a clown in full dress with stars and a moon circling it.
44. Sad Moon And Clown Tattoo

Image: @lucidtattooco
This sad moon and clown tattoo depict a sad-face clown sitting on a tragic face crescent moon, showing that the wearer is going through a challenging phase in his life.
45. Arrested Clown Tattoo

Image: @inkystattooparlour
No one can miss noticing this arrested clown tattoo design. It features a female clown holding a chain with a jester cap on her head.
46. Thriller Clown Tattoo

Image: @ellenmellon.tattoos
This is a cute tattoo illustration with a baby-faced Clown in a full clown dress holding a balloon in one hand.
47. Halloween Clown Tattoo

Image: @charliesnothere
This is a Halloween clown tattoo featuring a clown holding the Halloween pumpkin in his hand. It is done in bold black ink.
48. Smiley Clown Tattoo

Image: @billychantattoos
A Smiley clown tattoo is a sweet and straightforward tattoo that you can get anywhere on your body.
49. Twin Clown Tattoo

Image: @shalerzart
This twin clown, with one in happy gesture and one in sad, indicates the duality of life filled with happiness and sadness.
Frequently Asked Questions about Clown Tattoo Designs
What is a clown?
Believe it or not, the clown is a universally recognized figure. Clowns continue to delight audiences everywhere. The presence of a clown is always a welcome addition to a carnival or a celebratory birthday party. Clowns are easily identifiable because of the bright makeup that they often wear.
What Do Tattoos of Clowns Mean?
There are several possible interpretations for these tattoos. Meanings may vary depending on the variant of a tattoo. Remember, though, that your tattoo represents anything you want it to. Consequently, the following are some frequent meanings linked with each clown tattoo.
- Criminal Clown: Imprisonment, Murder, Evil, Despair
- Sad Clown: Misery, Despair, Depression, Errors
- Happy Clown: Joy, Laughter, Happiness, and Playfulness Prankster
- Gangsta Clown: Street Life, Criminal, Money, and Structure
What is the history behind clown tattoos?
Several centuries ago, rulers would select a court jester to deliver jokes and provide entertainment. Likewise, clown tattoos are often used to represent comedy or poke fun at how seriously some individuals take themselves; hence, they serve as a continual reminder to be receptive to enjoyable experiences.
What do clown tattoos represent?
They might stand for lighthearted fun, the depths of despair, a brutal mobster, or a foreboding underworld. The choice of design components and tattoo style may make or break your clown tattoo, regardless of your motivation for obtaining one.
What is the best location for getting a clown tattoo?
Clown art tattoos with greater detail and size appear best on the chest, back, side, shoulder, and hip, while those with smaller faces look great on the ankle, arm, wrist, and back of the neck. With many options available, picking the perfect clown art tattoo design requires careful consideration.
Final Words
Clown tattoos come in various styles, and one can interpret their meanings in any way the wearer pleases. For example, you may go for a more lighthearted approach with your clown tattoo if you share an appreciation for the positive emotions the character represents and the pleasure it has provided to others; conversely, those who like the macabre might do the opposite.
If you want to have your tattoo for the rest of your life, you must work with an artist whose style you like.