A new fresh tattoo is an open wound, and in order to obtain this beautiful piece of artwork, your skin has to suffer from significant trauma like bruised. They are lovely representations of your life and might serve as an inspiration for good deeds or as a celebration of life and love. Tattoos show a bit of your personality and a picture of you.

It takes planning and attention to get a tattoo. Your selection of a design needs to have personal significance for you. It would be best if you also had realistic expectations about the procedure and the follow-up treatment.

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After receiving a tattoo, the region around the new ink undergoes several changes and processes as it attempts to recover itself from the harm produced by the tattooing needles. One of the processes that may occur during these physical changes is tattoo bruising.
Tattoo bruising considers a primary worry, especially for people getting tattoos for the first time. Keep in mind that bruising is a common side effect of the tattooing procedure.
Even while nothing major is typically to blame, a bruised tattoo might make individuals anxious who wasn’t expecting it to happen.
What Causes Tattoo Bruising?
Tattoo bruising is not something you should always expect to see, but it’s also not uncommon; and in most circumstances, you shouldn’t be concerned.
The majority of the time, tattoo bruising won’t do any harm to you or the finished design of your tattoo.
As stated in the introduction, bruising surrounding your tattoo often develops as a result of the damage that the hundreds of times the tattooing needles are blasts into and out of the region.

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When the needles pierce your skin, they burst small veins immediately beneath the surface. This creates bleeding during the tattooing procedure.
Especially if you are getting a considerable design, picture going through this a hundred times every session; blood will continue to flow below the skin’s surface for a time after the tattoo has been finished, and if more significant quantities of blood continue to leak out, this blood will start to pool inside tiny pockets between tissue beneath the skin.
Once the tattoo has been done, the bleeding entirely stops leaking out of the surface of your skin relatively fast due to the blood drying up and scabbing.
After a few days, you may detect this blood in the shape of a bruise as the pooled blood begins to disperse outwards and is absorbed back into the body. Normal-looking bruises can range in hue from brilliant yellow to dark blue, brown, or even black – and, as previously said, bruising on a new tattoo is usually nothing to be concerned about.
It is essential for a wound to heal correctly in a normal situation, but with tattoos, the goal is very different. Yes, you want the wound to heal, but you also need it to do so without any coloration showing through and with virtually no scarring. The skin should assimilate these pigmentations during recovery.

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Can You Stop It From Happening?
Even while bruising is normal, keep in mind that the tattooist can never predict the degree of bruising.
Furthermore, everyone’s skin is distinct. It doesn’t necessarily follow that you will experience the same level of bruising that your buddy or sibling had after getting a tattoo. Bruising from a tattoo is one of the most typical side effects, though it is not usually a result of the procedure.
The bruising is unavoidable since it is a natural result of getting a tattoo; you have no way to stop it. Your ability to reduce bruising can be improved by having a solid awareness of the components that contribute to it.
A Tattoo’s Location
If you get a tattoo on a specific area of your body, particularly in your lower extremities, you should be ready for a greater likelihood of bruising.

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Due to gravity, which causes your blood to collect in your lower body parts near the ground with little opportunity of rising, tattoos on the feet and ankles are likely to bleed and sometimes even swell.
You can also bruise significantly in locations where the skin is thinner since the area is more sensitive and has less cushioning. The more delicate forearms and wrists are two examples of places like this.
Techniques Used By Your Tattoo Artist
The methods employed by various tattoo artists vary just as much as every skin type does. Some take a delicate and gentle approach with the needle, resulting in minimum bruising.
Some tattoo artists use a heavier touch and push more firmly on the skin, which will undoubtedly cause more skin harm.
The artist’s experience might also have an impact on the whole tattooing procedure. In comparison to individuals who are just commencing to develop their portfolio, those with more experience will use a more polished method.

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Experienced tattoo artists know how to place their machines and handle their needles more properly to prevent adding extra pressure to the skin. Although no tattooist is flawless, having your first tattoo from a skilled artist will make you feel more at ease.
Medications Side Effects
You should anticipate bruising after the tattoo session if you use blood thinners, such as aspirin. These medications are undoubtedly quite beneficial in preventing clots, but they might complicate matters concerning tattooing.
For instance, taking aspirin can both slow the healing process and increase your susceptibility to bruising. If you are considering getting a tattoo while taking medication of any kind, always talk to your doctor and the tattoo artist first.

Credit: ladydebawcherry
Despite being uncommon, tattoo bruising occasionally serves as a sign of infection.
If this is the case, the bruising is typically accompanied by intense redness, blisters, hot-to-the-touch skin, and maybe a fever.
Consult a doctor or your tattoo artist as soon as you believe your tattoo is infected. The sooner the infection is treated and removed, the less chance the tattoo’s look will be permanently harmed.
The Propensity To Bruise Is Inherent In You
In keeping with your skin being unique, you may be the sort of person who bruises easily due to skin sensitivity. If you are, you may, without question, anticipate bruises to appear after having a spot of new ink.
People who are not 100% healthy are more prone to bruise easily than those who do not have any underlying medical issues, such as diabetes, leukemia, malnutrition, or iron deficiency.
If you are aware that you bruise easily or that you suffer from any of the medical issues listed above, you really should not be shocked if you develop new purple patches after having a tattoo.

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It Could Not Even Be A Bruise
Remember that what you initially believed to be a bruise may be entirely different. The skin’s surface and circumstances underneath it can resemble one another rather closely.
For instance, if a tattoo artist uses tattoo needles inefficiently, tattoo ink may be forced into deeper layers of skin than necessary, leading to a condition known as a “blowout” on the tattoo. Even though tattoo blowouts are typically uncommon if your artist is quite skilled, the consequences are significantly more harmful to the tattoo’s long-term beauty.
How Can You Tell If A Tattoo Is Bruising Or Has A Blowout?
Even while it could appear to be a bruise, it might not actually be one. A bruise should gradually go away over the course of a week; however, a tattoo blowout typically retains its look for months or years. This makes differentiating between the two ailments easy.
When a tattoo artist utilizes his needles incorrectly, the skin may undergo a blowout, which pushes the ink deeper than necessary into the skin’s layers. The end outcome is a blowout that resembles a bruise.
Your tattoo’s design and look may be affected by blowouts. Blowouts have a lasting impact, unlike bruises, which usually go away within a week or two. Give it a few months or perhaps years before it starts to disappear. Go to your artist if you have any concerns or questions about what the issue could be.

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What Can You Do To Make It Heal And Feel Less Painful?
Like a bruise, your tattoo will naturally heal. Even if it does take days to recover from the trauma. This won’t harm you if you step in to hasten the healing process. By following these recommendations, you can support and care for your skin:
Cold Press
Apply an ice compress to the tattoo region to stop blood from flowing all over the injured area. This will restrict the blood flow to that particular location. The freshly tattooed region is quite sensitive; thus, you need to be careful when applying the compress.
Avoid applying pressure to your skin or placing the ice directly on it. The easiest way to accomplish it is to carefully identify the ice in a moist cloth and apply it to the skin.
Maintain Elevation
If you have ink on your lower extremities, such as your legs, you can lift this body part slightly above your heart, whether sitting or lying down. Sleep with your leg elevated if possible to restore blood flow in the region. This will prevent the blood from collecting around the new tattoo. To keep your leg raised, you might place a few cushions, blankets, or sheets below it.

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Relax And Slow Down
After getting a tattoo, most people may resume their normal activities immediately. Despite saying as much, you should take it easy for the next couple of days if you sense the need to because you are the expert on the body.
After getting a tattoo, returning to an active schedule could make the healing process more complex and take longer. This is due to the pressure on the body to continue operating rather than letting the new tattoo’s traumatized skin and the bruised region recover.
Additionally, doing vigorous exercise just after having a tattoo might make you more likely to bruise since it makes your heart work harder. This would imply that more blood is being forced through the tiny vein holes caused by the tattooing process’s use of needles.
It would also be a good idea to schedule the tattoo. It would make sense to hold it on a Friday afternoon so that you could use the upcoming weekend to give some time to the traumatized region to relax and begin healing.
Stop Smoking
According to science, smoking harms your health. Furthermore, smoking still has a negative impact on the speed of bruises and ink healing. Your body’s tissues take longer to heal, and your blood flow is also reduced.

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Allow your body the time it needs to recuperate by resisting the urge to light up. Stay away from smoking for a week prior to having a tattoo and a few weeks following it. It’s advantageous for your overall health as well as your tattoo.
Medication Rescue
If the discomfort is already interfering with your daily activities, you can always take a dosage of ibuprofen or another painkiller. These medications aid in reducing pain and swelling while also hastening the recovery process for bruises.
It is advised to take some iron supplements and increase your consumption of foods that are high in iron if the discomfort is manageable, but you have an iron shortage. To speed up the healing process after a bruising, vitamin C tablets will aid the body in absorbing iron.
Dietary Advice To Support The Healing Process
- Eat extra onion and garlic: Some naturalists think that because these foods have anti-microbial components, they help with healing in addition to keeping those who approach too closely away.

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- Consume extra vitamin C: Citrus fruits and sweet vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, and sweet potatoes are rich sources of vitamin C. This vitamin helps with tissue healing and repair naturally.
- Avoid alcohol entirely: It not only thins the blood but also makes you less cautious and protective of your new tattoo.
- Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated: While you’re recovering, water, soups, juices, and herbal teas are very beneficial to you.
- Limit your intake of processed foods, white flour, sugar, and dairy products. These have a reputation for delaying healing periods.
Does A Bruise Affect My Tattoo?
A bruise should not really spoil a tattoo because these skin injuries, which produce pain and discoloration, will go away and recover within a week or two.
There won’t be any indications that there was ever any bruising left behind once the skin has finished recovering. You will only be able to see the pattern and color of your new ink; no yellowish or purple stains will be visible.

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Is Getting A Tattoo Over A Bruise Fine?
If you are willing to endure a more painful tattoo session, you can tattoo over a bruise. However, it is never a perfect circumstance, and the artist might not even consent. Puncturing bruised skin with a needle might increase the pain since it is more delicate than normal skin.
Think of the tattooist as a painter who is working on a filthy canvas. Tattooing on skin that has been bruised is the same. The artist can hardly tell where the ink was rooted. As a consequence, the tattoo might not seem as perfect as you had hoped.
In addition to the discomfort, injured skin cannot absorb ink. As a result, the artist will have to make additional punctures. A tattoo over a bruised area of skin may involve several uncomfortable punctures. Additionally, there are greater possibilities of infection and skin discoloration.

Generally speaking, bruising is a typical and expected side effect of receiving a permanent tattoo. It’s normal to feel concerned since this is your body. You shouldn’t be alarmed until there are indications of infection if you develop bruises after having a tattoo.

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However, have faith in your body’s ability to heal and renew after the procedure. Your skin will eventually heal, and you’ll be able to show off your fresh tattoo without the surrounding bruises, revealing it in all its beauty.